VPSHS Academy
The Victoria Point State High School Academies are specifically targeted at supporting students who have expressed interest and can demonstrate targeted skills in a specialised field of study.
The Victoria Point State High School Academies aim to create intensive and focused pathways for potential futures, create an environment of motivation, engagement and success, and develop skills and opportunities for students to work with industry professionals and collaborate with the local and wider community in order to build deeper knowledge, skills, training and experience.
The Academy Programs run across Years 7 – 9 (full year), and in Year 10 (semester 1) with transition in semester 2 to align senior subjects with their chosen pathway. In Years 11 – 12 students may choose to follow either a full ATAR pathway, a combined QCE and ATAR pathway or a full QCE pathway.
Students are enriched through the breadth of study, relevance of assessment tasks and through engagement in highly skilled practices. Students are reported on during all reporting periods, parental communication provided during Parent/Teacher interviews and data tracking at each term juncture.
Application to enrol
Students must apply to be enrolled in an Academy except for the Academic Academy. Students are invited into this academy. An application package may be collected from Administration reception or a request sent via email: Administration
Point State High School Academy students participate in a wide range of
extra-curricular activities aimed at supporting, enriching and recognising
their abilities. These include:
Workshops with professionals
Excursions and Incursions
Training Opportunities
Working with the local and wider community and community businesses including surrounding primary schools
Days of Excellence Enrichment activities