Victoria Point State High School is a Uniform School. The Parents and Citizens Association has endorsed the school’s Student Dress Code and students are expected to meet this expectation which includes a Dress Standard that reflects and represents the school community whilst:
attending and representing the school
travelling to and from school
engaging in school activities out of school hours.
Our uniform shop is operated by our school’s P&C Association. All profits raised go back into the school for the benefit of our students.
Published school dress code
The published school's dress code is provided to all staff, students and parents/caregivers.
Read more one the School Dress Code Policy (PDF, 303KB)
Uniform shop business hours
Open: 8.00 am to 11.00 am, Monday to Thursday.
Telephone: (07) 3820 5854
Uniform price list
A comprehensive uniform price list can be accessed. See full details in the
Uniform Price List (PDF, 720KB)
Back to school uniform fittings - make your appointment
The uniform shop will be open and taking appointments for new enrolments as listed in the attached Back to School Uniform Shop Opening Hours (PDF, 67KB).
Appointments are essential. Appointments can be made through the SOBS online booking system, or by telephoning (07) 3820 5888.
A quicklink to SOBS is available on the Home Page of the school website.
Payments can be made in cash, cheque or EFTPOS (no cash out).
Orders can be placed over the phone and paid by credit card.
Shoes that comply with Dress Code
The following shoes are suitable for Victoria Point State High School and comply with the Dress Code. They are acceptable because they are:
The attached Shoe Flyer (PDF, 152KB) is a guideline. Images are kindly provided by Mathers and Williams Retail stores.
Second-hand uniforms
We have a selection of second hand clothing for sale.
Second hand uniforms are sold on consignment through the Uniform Shop. Only current official uniform garments will be accepted. Garment is held for 12 months.
All garments must be laundered and pressed, no stains (e.g. ink paint).
All buttons, clasps, zips are on garment and in working order, no holes or fraying.
Remittance of payment for garments (less 20% commission) will be processed on completion of the holding period.
There is no refund or exchange on purchased second hand items.
We encourage you to bring in your uniforms ready for our busy peak time in December and January.
Any donations would be greatly appreciated.