Online Office 365 including Student SharePoint and OneDrive
Each state school student has an online Office 365 account which can be accessed using their school username and password. Students can access and download the Microsoft Office suit for free by clicking here
Office 365 provides VPSHS Students with access to:
- Student SharePoint
- Microsoft Teams
- Online versions of Microsoft Word, Excel, OneNote (including Class Notebooks), PowerPoint, Outlook
- OneDrive (file storage)
Students can save or upload school related files to their online OneDrive which allows access on any internet enabled devices.
A folder can be created for each subject, which can then be shared with the subject teachers.
Critical files, including assessment files, should always be saved as a backup to the relevant subject folder, as these can then be accessed by subject teachers if there are issues with submitting through other required processes.

Students have free access to ClickView which is an educational video library system.
Students use their school email address to log into the video library system. Students can reset a ClickView account password clicking forgot password and a new password emailed to the student's email account

There are many educational websites that provide learning activities for students of all ages. To help you select relevant activities when visiting these websites look at the Prep to Year 10 Australian Curriculum Parent information webpage to see what your children will be learning in each learning area at each stage of schooling.
Click here to access additional learning from home resources